Thwing-Albert Instrument Co.


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Thwing-Albert Instrument Co.
14 W. Collings Ave.
West Berlin, NJ, United States 08091
(856) 767-1000
(856) 767-2615
  1. David M. Zarrilli
    (856) 767-1000

About Us

Thwing-Albert Instruments are used across many industries to verify quality of materials. When it comes to quality and R&D our instruments are relied upon globally to evaluate materials to ensure they are meeting industry standards like ASTM and ISO. Materials like food packaging, plastic films, and many more can be tested to improve the end user experience and maintain quality in the marketplace.
Trade Names

Trade Names

FP-2260 Friction/Peel Tester
JDC Precision Cutter
PCA Score Bend Tester
ProGage Touch
QC-3A Tensile Tester
Vantage NX Universal Testing Frame