Meduri Farms


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Meduri Farms
12375 Smithfield Rd.
Dallas, OR, United States 97338
(503) 623-0308
(503) 623-8280
  1. Manny Garibay
    (503) 623-0308 x4222
    Inside Sales Acct. Mgr.
  2. Mike Zobel

About Us

We're a family-owned grower and processor of real dried fruit ingredients with over 30 years of experience in the dried fruit business, which has allowed us to be established as industry segment experts. We are the largest producer of dried infused blueberries in the world and produce millions of pounds of various infused and natural fruit products. We take pride in working collaboratively with our customers to ensure successful solutions, using a cross-functional team approach to help solve customer challenges including, but not limited to, sales, technical support, and logistics. By partnering with us you receive full access to all our in-house expertise.
Organic OfferingsTrade Names

Organic Offerings

OrganicFruit, Apple, Dehydrated • Fruit, Blueberries, Whole, Juice or Powder • Fruit, Cherries • Fruit, Dehydrated • Fruit, Dried • Fruit, Strawberry, Dry • Toppings, Fruit Preparations

Trade Names

Meduri Farms
Meduri World Delights